Some of my girlfriends from and I from college decided that we should start a book club, but just not any book club, a Jane Austen book club. So we planned our meet dates in March and began in April...not very many of us read the books and decided instead to use the scehduled time to catch and renew our bonds. That was until today when we decided, after rewatching The Jane Austen Book Club movie, that we attempt this once again except through blogs. Since life is never going to provide ideal time for us to meet together, we'd create blogs where we can write our experiences about the books in real time and be able to share in our lives while reading.
So here we go...Emma's up first, for the second time. :)
hey look it's me!
So I would like to note that I was the only to actually read Emma (at least most of it)! So much from trial #2! Its okay I still love you! PS... Brit and I added you to our blogs! YAY
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